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A name I've not heard for a while that I seemed to miss some emails on recently. Colony building sim Maia, from developer Simon Roth, had a rather big upgrade.
The Force Engine is a free and open source game engine reimplementation for Star Wars Dark Forces, with upcoming support of Outlaws. The latest release version 1.08 adds Linux support!
My mother's favourite game on Linux is without a doubt Frozen Bubble. It is a casual game in all of the best ways; one you can dive into and learn at your own pace thanks to its simple but repeatable formula. Consider this to be a snapshot in time back to 2002, from right before the game was to take the world by storm.
Easily one of the best puzzle games to release back in 2021 and frankly it's criminally overlooked, is set to get a whole lot bigger with the Lost Memories 3-part DLC.
All your base are belong to us. Toaplan are having some absolute classics revived including Zero Wing, Out Zone, Twin Cobra and Truxton with a PC release and enhancements. Oh, and Native Linux support to ensure they're great on Steam Deck too.
Remember the classic sci-fi movie Fifth Element? I sure do and I only watched it again recently, where memories came flowing back of how I used to want those flying cars. Well, one game developer clearly loved it too and they're soon releasing MiLE HiGH TAXi.
Nordic Ashes: Survivors of Ragnarok is yet another survivor game in the spirit of Vampire Survivors, except this has a Nordic theme to it and it's now on Steam with Native Linux support. It's also Steam Deck Verified.
I don't play many visual novels (mostly a whole zero) but I do love when games sprinkle it in with other things like the sports management game Roller Drama.
One I've been meaning to point out for a while now is Zoom Platform. A games store that tries to appeal to "Generation X" with both new and classic games, DRM-free and they're continuing to build up their Linux support.